Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is Singh really the King?

The latest roar on song........ Singh is king, sometimes with a reason and sometime without it. As the movie rises up on the chart buster list, there go all the kings. With the government finally succeeding in saving the vote of no confidence motion, the prime minister turned out to be the real king in the parliament. '*Yes...... he's smarter than our average PM and this time he's truly proven that Singh is King ' *With this propelling punch line, Games2win frames out a new game featuring on the prime minister of India, titled as '*Singh is king.*'

The game is based on the present and omnipresent circumstances of the Indian politics, a jungle of blame game, and features the prime minister of India caught in the midst of all the allegations and debates of the opposition. The gamer needs to pull him out of all the debates and allegations before its too late. National issues such as Inflation, Nuclear deals, Poverty, Protest and other international issues are barriers created by the opposition on the road where they can trap the prime minister but the gamer has to win the battle for Mr. Singh to crown him the real king

The game looks effective but wont turn the gamer on its feet after playing it. It just all about running on a plain track and jump or to skid, when meet by a hurdle. The graphics are ordinary and so is the platform. The sounds are wearing away in the race. My ratings for the game is as listed below.

Graphics- 5/10
Replay chances- 4/10
Overall- 5.6/10

All in all, 'Singh is King' is a good effort from Games2win; but running away from problems in the game is definitely not gonna make our Singh the King..............mind it..............!

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